
Die Adventszeit

„Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt, erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei, dann vier, dann steht das Christkind vor der Tür.“

Alicia Martínez – German and English Teacher at AIT Language School

Vier Sonntage vor Heiligabend beginnt die lang erwartete Adventszeit. Für viele Menschen ist sie die schönste Zeit des Jahres. Sie lieben das Plätzchenessen, die Weihnachtsmärkte und die festliche Stimmung.

Ein Adventskranz besteht aus Tannengrün und vier Kerzen und besitzt eine runde Form. Die Farbe der Kerzen kann sehr vielfältig sein,

Wann zündet man die erste Kerze an? Am ersten Sonntag nach dem 26. November oder vier Sontage vor Heiligabend.

Also dieses Jahr zünden wir am 2. Dezember die erste Kerze an. Und so weiter bis alle vier Kerzen brennen..

Was bedeutet Advent? Diese Bezeichnung kommt aus dem Lateinischen und bedeutet die Ankuft Jesu Christi.

Obwohl dies ein deutsche Tradition ist, kann man es in jedem Haus als eine neue weihnachtliche Tradition einführen.


Cuatro domingos antes de noche buena empieza la esperada época de adviento. Para muchos es la mejor época del año. Les encanta comer galletas de navidad, ir a mercados de navidad y disfrutar del ambiente navideño.

El “Adventskranz” está hecho de ramas de abeto y lleva cuatro velas. Su forma es redonda. El color de las velas es indiferente.

¿Cuándo se enciende la primera vela? El primer domingo después del 26 de noviembre o 4 domingos antes de noche buena.

Así que este año empezamos el día 2 de diciembre encendiendo la primera vela. Y así sucesivamente hasta tener encendidas las cuatro velas.

¿Qué significa adviento? La palabra viene del latín y significa la llegada de Jesucristo.

Y aunque sea una tradición alemana se puede introducir en cada hogar como algo tradicional navideño. 


¿Por qué Hollywood tiene tanta predilección por las películas de superhéroes? Te lo desvelamos en esta entrada.

Text found by Alicia Martínez (English and German Teacher at AIT)

Superman and Batman are back …. together!   Once each superhero movie was about just one superhero: Superman, or Batman, or Spiderman, or some other fantastic hero.  Now Hollywood gives us several different superheroes in the same film.  Justice League, which comes out in November 2017, is a movie that includesSuperman, Batman, Wonder Woman and more… all in the same movie

Not just Superman and Batman…

   Superman and Batman are just two superheroes out of many. We could also include Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Robin Hood, James Bond, Zorro, Indiana Jones and a lot more. They’re all more or less the same person, in different forms. Some are in the past, others in the present, others in the future.why-is-hollywood-fascinated-by-superheros

   But why does Hollywood love superheroes? Is it a question of money? Of course; but it’s not only money. 

    People have always loved superheroes. Long before the first Hollywood movie, people loved stories about superheroes. Robin Hood has been a popular hero for over 600 years … and there were others before him. 

    The first superheroes were real people. Nevertheless, the stories about them were often invented. Some of the oldest European superheroes were Charlemagne and Roland (Orlando). Mediaeval writers and singers invented exciting stories about these real men, just as Hollywood invents stories about tomorrow’s superheroes. 

   A thousand years ago, people sometimes sat round in dark rooms in the evening, listening to the adventures of brave heroes. Today, we sit in a dark room in the evening, wat


ching the adventures of the brave Batman. The medium is different, the technology has changed …. but the people are really the same.

    Hollywood doesn’t actually invent many new superheroes. Superman, Judge Dredd, Batman and the others already «existed» before Hollywood discovered them. These three all come from comic magazines. 

    The first Batman story came out in 1939! So, Batman has now been defending the people of Gotham City for over 80 years! There have been several Batman movies, with different

 stars including Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale. How long can it last?

   Superman is even older: he dates from about 1932 (the exact year is not certain). Even Judge Dredd is a familiar figure; he first appeared in England in 1977.

    Hollywood’s biggest superheroes live in the future. That is not really surprising. Hollywood has fallen in love with special effects, and the future allows great spectacular special effects. Besides, people today are frightened about the future. Things do not always look good; perhaps we will need characters like Batman and Judge Dredd in 100 years’ time. Perhaps we even need them today!


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