En el post de hoy te traemos una canción tradicional inglesa acompañada de algunas actividades para hacer con los niños de la casa. Para que aprovechéis la Navidad para aprender algunos conceptos nuevos en inglés.
¡Ya estamos en diciembre!
La Navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina y pronto empezarán a oírse villancicos por todas partes. Este año ¿por qué no sorprender a tu familia cantando en inglés?
Christmas Is Coming is a nursery rhyme and Christmas song with lyrics as follows:

Christmas Goose / Will Bullas
Christmas is coming,
And the goose is getting fat.
Please put a penny in the old man’s hat!
If you haven’t got a penny,
A farthing will do.
If you haven’t got a farthing
A shilling will do.
If you haven’t got a shilling…
Now it’s your turn
- There are different versions of this Christmas carol, so the lyrics may change depending on the version. Can you spot the differences between the written poem and the song these young musicians sing?
- Do you know what a shilling, a farthing and a penny means? Look on Google (English currency) and you’ll find out!
- Do you celebrate Christmas the same way as they do in Great Britain?
- Can you name any differences between your country and Great Britain? And, of course similarities?
- Do you hang your stocking next to the chimney on Christmas Eve?
- Do you leave food for Rudolph and a glass of milk for Santa?