En este artículo hablaremos sobre unos phrasal verbs que aparecen continuamente en cualquier conversación o texto en inglés que se precie: Los phrasal verbs con GET.
What is a phrasal verb?
A phrasal verb is a verb that consists of a basic verb and another word or word. But remember that may not have the same meaning a the original verb, and they behave differently grammatically.
E.g. The verb «get» means to have or to obtain. Whereas the phasal verb «get up» means to wake or to stand on your feet.
You should treat each phrasal verb as a separate verb, and learn it like any other verb. So, to learn at an easy pace, let’s focus on phrasal verbs with «get».
- Get up means to awake or to stand on your feet.
e.g. Katie gets up at 7 o’clock ever day. (Awakes)
e.g. All the student got up when the headmisstress came into the room. (Stood up)
- Get across means to cause to be undersood.
e.g. You don’t have to shout to get the message across! I can hear you.
- Get along means to have a friendly relationship.
e.g. Pete and I get along really well, except for when he steals my food.
- Get away means to go on holiday or to escape.
e.g. I need to to get away eacause work has become too stressful.
- Get by means manage to survive in spite of difficulties.
e.g. It hasn’t been an easy month for Jane. She lost her job and her car was stolen today but she is getting by.
- Get down to means to descend or to get serious about a topic.
e.g. Let’s get down to the main problem.
e.g. «Excuse me, where is the cantine?» «Get down three floors and you will find it on you right hand-side».
- Get in we use for when you go in a car or when you arrive at a place.
e.g. » Kids, get in the car! We’re going to be late for school again!»
- Get off we use for when you leave a bus, a train, a plane or a place.
e.g. I forgot get off the train at the stop you told me to.
- Get on means to start doing or continue doing an activity. We also use it when we go in a bus, a train, a plane or we talk to someone on the phone.
e.g. «Jaime, get on the phone, it’s you grandma».
- Get out means to become know or to leave a place and go to another.
e.g. If this secret gets out, we’ll all be in trouble.
e.g. I got out of the office at half past seven.
- Get over means to overcome a problem or to recover from an illness.
e.g. It took me three weeks to get over the flu.
e.g. Charlie has gotten over the break-up. She’s dating Mark now.
- Get through means succeed in finishing a task.
e.g. I got through the whole bootcamp routines without taking a break.