
05/03/2018 admin

The Haunting Beauty of the Lake District

by Joseph Salazar, teacher at AIT Language School

En el post de esta semana os llevamos de viaje a un parque nacional de Inglaterra … ¿Te animas a visitarlo en tus próximas vacaciones?


The Laklake districte District is a region in the north west of England that is renowned for its outstanding beauty. It is England’s largest national park and receives around 15 million visitors each year. It is also home to England’s tallest mountains. Its natural beauty captivated the hearts of famed writers and poets, such as William Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter. The Lake District became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2017.

lake districtBut it’s not just the scenery and tranquillity that attracts visitors. The Lake District also hosts a number of music festivals that draws young and old alike. The region is riddled with fine hotels and B+Bs, offering hospitality that will make you want to return again and again.

So, if you want to practice your English and at the same time enjoy one of the most stunning locations in England, why not visit the Lake District. You can fly from Barcelona to Manchester Airport, and either rent a car or take a train direct from the airport to Windermere, at the heart of the Lake District. Journey time is about two hours.

For more information, check the following Web site: